Silicon Valley Advisory Council
Chair of the Advisory Council
Robert E. Adams
Staff Engineer, Google
Council Members
Bob Blee
Head of Middle Market Technology Banking – Americas, MUFG Bank
Tom Bondi
Partner, Armanino LLP
Dennise Carter
President, Carter McNulty
Maryles Casto
President, Casto Travel
David Chun
CEO, Equilar
Dr. Jaleh Daie
Executive Partner, Aurora Equity LLC
Diana Diamond
Hon. Rod Diridon Sr.
Emeritus Executive Director, Mineta Transportation Institute
Dr. Gloria Duffy
President and CEO, The Commonwealth Club of California
Lisa Fabish
CEO, Blue Window Consulting
Anne-Flore Goldsberry
Kirk O. Hanson
Senior Fellow and Former Executive Director, Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, Santa Clara University
Michael Heald
Managing Director, Accenture
Dick Henning
Community Volunteer
John Leckrone
Director of Corporate Development, Adobe Systems Inc.
Matt Levine
President, SourceUSA
Henry Manayan
Executive Vice President, American Private Equity Fund LLC
Barbara Marshman
Former Editorial Pages Editor, Mercury News
Leslie Saul Garvin
Assistant Director, Postgraduate Public Service, Stanford University
Kurt Tenenbaum
Managing Director, Owl Rock
Cole Wilbur
Trustee, David & Lucile Packard Foundation
Dr. Colleen B. Wilcox
Former Superintendent of Schools, Santa Clara County; Colleen Wilcox Sculpture
Stephen Wright
Planning Commissioner, City of Dublin