Veena Srinivasan: Pipe Dreams - Water for Thirsty Cities in India
Veena Srinivasan: Pipe Dreams – Water for Thirsty Cities in India
Ph.D., Research Associate, Pacific Institute
As India’s urban population and income grow in unprecedented numbers, supplying water reliably to the community has become a growing concern. Faced with limited reservoir storage, aging piped infrastructure, and rapidly growing demand, no Indian city today has a 24/7 water supply. India’s rapidly growing cities represent both a challenge and an opportunity. Because much of the infrastructure is still being built, there is the opportunity to follow a different development path than has been followed elsewhere in the world. Join Srinivasan for a discussion on possible pathways to build a sustainable water supply system in India.
MLF: Environment & Natural Resources/Science & Technology
Location: SF Club Office
Time: 5:30 p.m. networking reception, 6 p.m. program
Cost: $20 standard, $8 members, $7 for students (w/valid ID)
Program Organizer: Chisako Ress