Chuck Palahniuk: The Monsters Within
Chuck Palahniuk: The Monsters Within
Note new time
Author, Fight Club, Invisible Monsters Remix
In conversation with Tom Barbash, Award-winning Novelist; Nonfiction Writer; Contributing Book Critic, The New York Times
Online ticket sales have ended for this event. Tickets will be available at the Castro Theatre at 3 p.m.
Whoever said truth is stranger than fiction has never read Chuck Palahniuk. Having carved out a cult following with surreal stunners like Fight Club and Choke, Palahniuk is a modern master when it comes to blurring the lines between fantasy and reality. Now, like that dream you just can’t shake, Palahniuk’s 1999 novel Invisible Monsters is back with a vengeance. Remixed with new material and design, it reads like a road memoir of pills, betrayal, dreams and plastic surgery. Join us as Palahniuk dives into a world where self transcends appearance and everyone discovers inner monsters.
Location: Castro Theatre, 429 Castro St.
Time: 3 p.m. will call opens to pick up tickets, 6 p.m. check-in and premium reception with appearance by Palahniuk, 7 p.m. program
Cost: $20 standard, $10 members. Ticket with book $40 standard, $25 members. Premium ticket including book, priority seating and reception $70 standard, $55 members.
Also know: This is a Good Lit event underwritten by The Bernard Osher Foundation