Tony Haymet: Understanding the Deep Sea - Oceanography Meets Business
Understanding the Deep Sea: Oceanography Meets Business
Tony Haymet, Director, Scripps Institution of Oceanography; Vice Chancellor for Marine Sciences, and Dean, Graduate School of Marine Sciences, UCSD
Our community is increasingly asking demanding questions on the prediction of the natural world. What useful chemicals will be discovered from the ocean and ocean mud? Will the steady trend in movement of California precipitation from snow to rain continue, or accelerate? What is the average recurrence time for earthquakes under or near California's nuclear reactors? Will the sea level continue to rise at its current rate, or faster, or slower? Is methane gas leaking from fracking operations? Dr. Haymet will describe the ways in which the business community has partnered to address these demanding questions.
MLF: Humanities/Business & Leadership/Environment & Natural Resources/Science & Technology
Location: SF Club Office
Time: 5:30 p.m. networking reception, 6 p.m. program
Cost: $20 standard, $8 members, $7 students (with valid ID)
Program Organizer: George Hammond