Carly Fiorina
Carly Fiorina
Former CEO, HP; Chair, Good360; Contributor, CNBC
Alison van Diggelen, Host, "FreshDialogues" and Contributer, NPR's KQED Radio - Moderator
What is the financial outlook for our country? Are we on the verge of the next tech revolution? Former HP CEO Fiorina shares her thoughts on how the U.S. and California are performing in terms of innovation, job creation and economic growth.
Location: Schultz Cultural Hall, Oshman Family JCC, 3921 Fabian Way, Palo Alto
Time: 6:30 p.m. check-in, 7 p.m. program
Cost: $20 standard, $12 members, $7 students (with valid ID)
Also know: In association with the Oshman Family JCC
March 21, 2013