Hope and Fear: Egypt on the Tipping Point
Dina Ibrahim, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Broadcasting and Electronic Arts, SFSU; Associate Producer and Media Consultant, Hope and Fear
Jonathan Curiel, Journalist; Author, Al America: Travels Through America's Arab and Islamic Roots - Moderator
Join us as Ibrahim shows excerpts from the documentary film Hope and Fear, which follows young liberal-minded Egyptians as they struggle to reshape their nation. One of the Egyptians interviewed for the film is Bassem Youssef, who has been called the “Jon Stewart of Egypt” and was named one of Time magazine's 100 most influential people in the world. Dr. Ibrahim received her BA and MS at the American University in Cairo and her Ph.D. at University of Texas. She has been interviewed by and reported for BBC and CNN, among other media outlets, and has appeared on Arabic TV and NPR.
MLF: Middle East
Location: SF Club Office
Time: 11:30 a.m. check-in, noon program
Cost: $20 non-members, MEMBERS FREE, students free (with valid ID)
Program Organizer: Celia Menczel