David Robinson Simon, Author, Meatonomics: How the Rigged Economics of Meat and Dairy Make You Consume Too Much – and How to Eat Better, Live Longer, and Spend Smarter
Tim Koopmann, President, California Cattlemen’s Association
Everything we eat has a climate impact. From livestock production to chemical agriculture, our choices lead to different carbon footprints. Meatonomics is the first book to add up the huge externalized costs the animal food system imposes on taxpayers, animals and the environment, finding they total about $414 billion annually. If producers were forced to internalize hidden costs, its author says, a $4 Big Mac would cost about $11. How will changing weather patterns impact the world’s food supply? How can the economics of food affect carbon footprints? Join us for a conversation with Meatonomics author David Robinson Simon and other experts on the future of eating in an era of climate change.
Climate One Connect
Audience members are invited to engage in breakout group conversations led by the speakers for 20 minutes following the program. We hope you’ll take part in this unique opportunity to delve deeper into solutions for sustainable living!