Town Hall: The Crisis in Gaza
George Bisharat, Professor of Law, UC Hastings
Dr. Jess Ghannam, Ph.D; Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and Global Health Sciences, UCSF School of Medicine
John Rothmann, Radio Host and Chief Political Analyst, KKSF AM 910
Janine Zacharia, Journalist; Professor of Communication, Stanford University
Jonathan Curiel, Journalist; Reuters Foundation Research Fellow, Oxford – Moderator
As conflict escalates in the Middle East, all eyes are on the Gaza Strip. The current situation has its roots in years of conflict between many factions, all of whom have a stake in the many contentious issues of today. To gain perspective on the rapidly developing situation, we will be hosting a free Town Hall meeting at our SF Club Office. Join a panel of experts with a wide range of opinions as they address your questions, provide historical context, and examine the news of the day.
July 24, 2014