Nick Carr: An Automated World
Nicholas Carr, Author, The Glass Cage: Automation and Us
In conversation with Andrew Leonard, Staff Writer, Salon
Google Glass lets you take a picture with the blink of an eye. Your Fitbit wristband counts your calories and tracks your sleep. Soon even our cars will drive themselves. Technology is increasingly automating our lives, but is it for better or worse? In The Glass Cage, Nicholas Carr suggests that the transition to a technologically dependent and screen-dominated world makes people disengaged and unhappy. Join us and be faced with Carr’s thesis: Silicon Valley’s fascination with wearable technology and augmented reality will only serve to narrow our horizons instead of expand them.
Nicholas Carr, the author of the Pulitzer Prize finalist The Shallows: What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains, is the former executive editor of the Harvard Business Review. He has written for The New York Times, Wired and famously for The Atlantic with his article “Is Google Making Us Stupid?”