American Whistleblowers: The Peril and Promise of Science
Judy Mikovits, Ph.D., Former Director, Antiviral Drug Mechanisms Laboratory, National Cancer Institute; Co-author, Plague: One Scientist's Intrepid Search for the Truth
Kent Heckenlively, Attorney; Science Teacher; Founding Editor, Age of Autism; Co-Author, Plague: One Scientist's Intrepid Search for the Truth
Brian Hooker, Ph.D., P.E., Associate Professor of Biology and Chair of the Science and Mathematics Division, Simpson University
Christie Dames, CEO, TechTalk/Studio – Moderator
Whistleblowers, from Daniel Ellsberg in the ’70s to Edward Snowden in recent years, have always received pointed public attention for exposing the internal dealings of our powerful political and military institutions. But who shines a light on the convoluted realm of health care, a massive industry that brought in over 1.6 trillion dollars in revenue over the past year? With health care choice at the nexus of our constitutional rights, and scares like Ebola and measles grabbing international headlines, how do we know we’re getting information that is truthful? Come hear about the scientists, lauded by some and maligned by others, who decide to go public with information that many in the industry don’t want us to see.