The office of Media and Public Relations provides notification of ongoing Commonwealth Club World Affairs events to the public and the press and handles media relations. Please find below press releases and articles regarding program developments and significant events, forums, and lectures at the Club.

Founded in 1903, The Commonwealth Club World Affairs of California has played host to a broad and distinctive array of speakers, from Teddy Roosevelt in 1911 to Nancy Pelosi in 2020. Just a sampling of other noteworthy guests includes Martin Luther King, Jr., Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, Audrey Hepburn, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Walter Cronkite, Milton Friedman, Jane Goodall, Tom Brokaw, Bill Gates, Stacey Abrams, David Brooks, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Dr. Anthony Fauci and Reza Aslan, all of whom have delivered landmark speeches and discussions here.

For information and for media credentials, contact:
John Zipperer, Vice President of Media & Editorial

In the News

"Golden Gate Bridge construction-and indignation"  (SF Gate)

"Graphic Novels: Evolution of the American Comic Book"  (Cast Roller)

"Historian says building San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge took courageous banker"  (San Francisco Business Times)

"Isabelle Faust and Alexander Melnikov perform concert at Herbst"  (San Francisco Examiner)

"Marine biologist Maddalena Bearzi on the company of dolphins"  (San Jose Mercury News)

"Molly Ringwald at the Verdi Club and other local events"  (San Francisco Examiner)

"Nanci Pelosi reflects on quarter century in Congress, looks ahead to election"  (The Examiner)

"Rethinking Health Care with Patient Advocacy"  (The Life Matters Media Newswire)

"Scotland the "Silicon Valley" of Marine Energy: Salmond Tells San Francisco Forum That Offshore Renewables Will Transform Scotland"  (Market Watch)

"Scottish Leader Addresses Commonwealth Club: First Minister Alex Salmond in Town to Promote Renewable Energy"  (San Francisco Citizen)

"Sweet Talk: Business Tips from the Bay Area's Best Chocolatiers"  (SF Weekly Blogs)

"The Commonwealth Club of California Hosts Kurt Andersen"  (San Francisco Magazine)

"The Commonwealth Club Presents Justice Sandra Day O'Connor"  (

"U.S. chief technology officer at Commonwealth Club"  (SF Gate)

"Wanda's Picks for August 2012"  (San Francisco Bay View)