HPV: The Silent Killer -- Prevention, Treatment and Controversy

The HPV Vaccine: Helpful or Harmful?

Joel Palefsky, M.D., UCSF-Infectious Disease Specialist
Dean Blumberg, M.D., Associate Professor, Pediatric Infectious Disease, UC Davis Medical Center; Unpaid Speaker for Merck (maker of Gardasil)
Alina Salganicoff, Vice President and Director, Women's Health Policy and KaiserEDU.org, Kaiser Family Foundation; Ph.D. in Health Policy, The Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health
Sarah Varney, Health Reporter, KQED’s "The California Report" - Moderator 

HPV can be deadly, and many studies have suggested that the new vaccine Gardasil can be effective in preventing most types of HPV. But controversies still surround the vaccine. Many women can’t get their hands on it because of its high cost and age requirements. Others worry about being forced to give the shot to their daughters when the long-term effectiveness is still unknown. Come hear a panel of experts discuss the health and socio-political issues surrounding Gardasil and the future of HPV prevention and treatment.

Location: SF Club Office
Time: 11:30 a.m. check-in, noon program
Cost: FREE
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Underwritten by The California Wellness Foundation. Photo by Flickr user Kelsey.