Dispelling Healthcare Myths with Sally Pipes
Dispelling Health-Care Myths with Sally Pipes
Sally Pipes, President and CEO, Pacific Research Institute; Author, The Top Ten Myths of American Health Care: A Citizen’s Guide
Inundated with medical terminology and ill equipped to navigate the options available, most people probably could use a little health-care-system guidance. With extensive experience in the field and an at-times controversial outlook, Pipes brings her knowledge to the public, breaking down the myths about health care and getting straight to the facts.
Location: SF Club Office
Time: 5:30 p.m. networking reception, 6 p.m. program, 7 p.m. book signing
Cost: MEMBERS FREE, $18 non-members, $7 students (with valid ID)
Also know: Part of American Values Series Sponsored by Taube Family Foundation