California Media in Crisis: Who Will Hold California Institutions Accountable?
California Media In Crisis: Who Will Hold California Institutions Accountable?
Sandy Close, Executive Director, New America Media
Stuart Drown, Executive Director, Little Hoover Commission
Mark Katches, Editorial Director, California Watch
Martin Reynolds, Editor, Oakland Tribune
David Lauter, Assistant Managing Editor, Los Angeles Times
Louis Freedberg, Director, California Watch – Moderator
At precisely the time California is experiencing its worst budget and governance crisis in decades, the California media is also in crisis. As newsrooms around the state reel from declining revenues and widespread layoffs, they are also competing for the attention of Californians from cable talk shows, bloggers and the Internet. The downsizing of the news media, which is happening most acutely at a state and regional level, raises profound questions about the democratic process. In this panel discussion, to be moderated by veteran journalist Freedberg, director of California Watch, a division of the Center for Investigative Reporting in Berkeley, we look at the issue of who will hold California institutions – both public and private – accountable and what are some of the new journalism models that are emerging on the transformed media landscape.
Location: SF Club Office
Time: 11:30 a.m. check-in, noon program
Cost: MEMBERS FREE, $15 non-members, $7 students (with valid ID)