Self-Publishing, Part Three: Book Sales and Marketing
Self-Publishing: Book Sales and Marketing
Scott James, Columnist, The New York Times; Author (aka Kemble Scott), SoMa, The Sower
Elizabeth Block, Author, A Gesture Through Time; Recipient, the Christopher Isherwood Foundation Fiction Fellowship
Teresa LeYung Ryan, Author, Love Made of Heart, Build Your Name, Beat the Game: Be Happily Published
Paula Hendricks, Founder and Book Designer, Cinnabar Bridge Communications; Author, September in Corrales
Book publishing is undergoing a sea change. Come and participate in our dynamic and interactive three-part series covering all aspects of self-publishing, taught by front-line experts who have done it themselves Ð and succeeded. Attend one or all sessions of these in-depth seminars. The other events occur on April 6 and April 12.
Bookstores are closing; newspaper book reviews are almost gone; and online options can be overwhelming. What’s an author or publisher to do? Join the discussion with successful authors, who will share their stories of what has worked for them – from building relationships with independent bookstore buyers and distributors to using technology and social media in new ways; from digging into niche markets to selling directly to their fan base.
Location: SF Club Office
Time: 5:30 p.m. networking reception, 6 p.m. program
Cost: MEMBERS FREE, $20 non-members, $7 students (with valid ID)
Program Organizer: Kevin O’Malley
Also know: Underwritten by The Bernard Osher Foundation