California Higher Education in Peril?
California Higher Education in Peril: The Future of Our Master Plan
Charles Reed, Chancellor, California State University
Jack Scott, Chancellor, California Community Colleges
Mark Yudof, President, University of California
Gloria Duffy, President and CEO, Commonwealth Club of California - Moderator
Has California’s beacon of educational hope burned out? 50 years ago, our state produced A Master Plan for Higher Education in California. This plan was to guide the state in successfully creating a public higher education system that was the envy of the world. But with budget crises, pay cuts, furlough days and more students than ever being denied acceptance into our UC, state and community college systems, what can we do to climb out of this dark hole and back to the top of the educational hierarchy? Join us for a unique discussion among all three top leaders of the state's public higher education system.
Location: SF Club Office
Time: 5:30 p.m. networking reception, 6 p.m. program
Cost: $12 members, $20 non-members, students free (with valid ID)