Michael Milken:Toward a More Prosperous Future for California

Toward a More Prosperous Future for California

Note new venue!

Michael Milken, Chairman, The Milken Institute

Financier and philanthropist Milken’s multimedia presentation shows what he believes must change to reinvigorate California. Despite challenges in education, infrastructure, government and manufacturing, Milken is optimistic that the state can have a bright future if its leaders and citizens summon the will to take advantage of its manifest strengths.

Location: Mark Hopkins Intercontinental Hotel, Peacock Court, 999 California St. 
Time: 5:15 p.m. check-in, 6 p.m. program
$15 members, $30 non-members. Premium (first few rows) $45 members, $65 non-members
Also know: Part of The Chevron California Innovation Series. Exclusive print media sponsor: San Francisco Business Times.

January 13, 2011