L Hunter Lovins: Climate Capitalism (SV)
L. Hunter Lovins
President and Founder, Natural Capitalism Solutions; Author, Climate Capitalism: Capitalism in the Age of Climate Change
Steve Wright, Vice President of Strategic Communications, Silicon Valley Leadership Group - Moderator
Time magazine Hero of the Planet Lovins makes an economic case for moving aggressively to solve such challenges as global warming, peak oil and the vulnerability of our energy infrastructure. She argues that climate protection, energy efficiency, renewable energy and other sustainable approaches will give us a stronger economy and a higher quality of life. Lovins demonstrates how communities and companies are successfully implementing these and many other strategies to cut their costs and drive innovation.
Location: Carriage House Theater, 15,400 Montalvo Rd., Saratoga
Time: 6:30 p.m. check-in, 7 p.m. program, 8 p.m. book signing
Cost: $20 standard, $12 members, $7 students (with valid ID)
Also know: In association with Montalvo Arts Center. Lovins will speak in SF 4/12. Keep checking the Club web site for information on that program. Photo: Norm Clasen