Michael Gazzaniga: Who's in Charge?
Who's in Charge? Free Will and the Science of the Brain
Michael Gazzaniga, Professor of Psychology and Director of the SAGE Center for the Study of Mind, UC Santa Barbara
Known as the "father of cognitive neuroscience," Gazzaniga makes a powerful argument for free will. The question of free will versus determinism continues to vex scientists, psychologists and philosophers, but the biological evidence is not as stridently deterministic as it is often presented. Dr. Gazzaniga argues that the human mind constrains the brain and monitors our behavior, much as a government constrains its citizens. Drawing on cutting-edge neuroscience and psychology, as well as ethics and law, he offers a deeply considered case for human responsibility.
MLF: Humanities/Science & Technology
Location: SF Club Office
Time: 5:30 p.m. networking reception, 6 p.m. program
Cost: $20 standard, $8 members, $7 students (with valid ID)
Program Organizer: George Hammond