Can You Hear Me? Giving Voice to LGBT Elders
Can You Hear Me? Giving Voice to LGBT Elders
Brian de Vries, Professor of Gerontology, San Francisco State University; Co-chair, Lesbian and Gay Aging Issues Network; Policy Advisor, AARP California
Gustavo Serina, Commission on Aging and Adult Services, City and County of San Francisco
Moli Steinert, Executive Director, SteppingStone
Marvin Burrows, founder, Lavender Seniors of the East Bay, and LGBT Lighthouse Community Center
While much progress and advancement has been made in creating LGBT communities and identities and integrating them into larger political, social and cultural arenas, the inclusion of LGBT people has not always been given serious consideration. Senior- and LGBT-rights advocates stress that the progress and inroads made in establishing LGBT identities and communities, particularly in cities like San Francisco, now depend on how we acknowledge and administer to the specific needs of LGBT elders. Come hear leaders discuss what strides are being made and what challenges still lie ahead.
The Commonwealth Club of California
595 Market St.
San Francisco, 94102
United States