Paola Gianturco: Grandmother Power - A Global Phenomenon
Grandmother Power: A Global Phenomenon
Paola Gianturco, Author; Photojournalist
Gianturco discusses a new international movement represented by grandmothers who are younger, better educated and healthier than grandmothers have ever been before. Her book, Grandmother Power: A Global Phenomenon, discusses activist grandmothers in 15 countries who are fighting effectively and courageously against poverty, disease, illiteracy, environmental degradation and abuse of human rights to create a better world for grandchildren everywhere.
MLF: Grownups/International Relations
Location: SF Club Office
Time: 5:30 p.m. networking reception, 6 p.m. program
Cost: $20 standard, MEMBERS FREE, $7 students (with valid ID)
Program Organizer: John Milford
Also know: In association with the International Museum of Women, the Global Fund for Women and San Francisco Village