SV Reads 2013: Invisible Wounds of War with Brian Castner and Sue Diaz
2013 Silicon Valley Reads: One Book. One Community. Kick-Off Event
Brian Castner, Author, The Long Walk: A Story of War and the Life That Follows
Sue Diaz, Author, Minefields of the Heart: A Mother’s Stories of a Son at War
In conversation with Mike Cassidy, Columnist, San Jose Mercury News
This year’s selections include two memoirs that deal with the invisible wounds of war. The two authors – a soldier and a soldier’s mother – come together to share their personal stories and discuss what happens when soldiers return home from war and must deal with the challenges of readjusting back to civilian life. Castner served three tours of duty in the Middle East and was commander of an explosive ordinance disposal unit in Iraq. Diaz has documented the emotional rollercoaster she experienced during her son’s deployment.
Location: Campbell Heritage Theatre, 1 W. Campbell Ave., Campbell
Time: 7 p.m. doors open, 7:30 p.m. program, 8:30 p.m. book signing
Cost: FREE
Also know: In assocation with the Santa Clara County Office of Education, Santa Clara County Library and San Jose Public Library Foundation