Matt Walker: The Mysteries of Sleep
The Mysteries of Sleep
Matt Walker, Professor of Neuroscience and Psychology, UC Berkeley
Lisa Krieger, Science and Medical Research Reporter, San Jose Mercury News - Moderator
One of the great remaining scientific mysteries is the question, why do we sleep? Walker will discuss the importance of sleep and describe how a night of sleep remodels our brains, enhances memory, inspires creative insights and rebalances our next-day emotional reactivity.
Location: Schultz Cultural Hall, Oshman Family JCC, 3921 Fabian Way, Palo Alto
Time: 6:30 p.m. check in, 7 p.m. program
Cost: $15 standard, $10 members, $5 students (with valid ID)
Also know: In association with the Oshman Family JCC
March 4, 2013