The Primary Care Crunch: Anticipating the Doctor Shortage After Obamacare
Robert L. Wiebe, EVP/Chief Medical Officer, Dignity Health
Kevin Grumbach, M.D., Professor and Chair, Department of Family and Community Medicine, UCSF; Co-director, UCSF Center for Excellence in Primary Care; Co-director, Community Engagement and Health Policy Program, UCSF Clinical and Translational Science Institute
Patricia Knight, M.S., J.D., Founder, Pacific Coast Health Advocacy LLC
Lisa Aliferis, Health Editor, KQED – Moderator
Now that the Affordable Care Act is taking effect, with its health coverage mandate for 38 million more Americans and requisite expansion of Medicaid, California and the nation are anticipating a doctor shortage that could impede access to primary care for many patients. According to a new study, by 2025 the U.S. will need at least 52,000 more primary care doctors to keep pace with a rapidly aging population. Yet many medical students are now choosing higher-paying specialties over primary care, especially when faced with mounting tuition and student debt. What is the best way to handle this expected primary care physician shortage, from the perspective of policymakers, physicians, patients and the health-care industry? How will health-care organizations adapt? Who is at risk of not having appropriate care? Our panel of experts and insiders will discuss these issues and more in this important program on the primary-care crunch that may worsen as more people gain coverage in 2014.
Also know: Underwritten by The California Wellness Foundation