Thom Hartmann: The Crash of 2016
Thom Hartmann, Syndicated Talk Show Host; Author, The Crash of 2016: The Plot to Destroy America – and What We Can Do to Stop It
Hartmann starts with the premise that the pillars of democracy that once supported a booming middle class have been corrupted, and without them, America teeters on the verge of the next Great Crash, an economic implosion that he warns could make the Great Depression look like child's play. Explaining that corporate and billionaire power and greed have replaced democratic infrastructure and governance, Hartmann urges action and presents a road map to redemption and a critical wakeup call. Only if the right reforms are enacted and the moral choices are made, he says, can we avert disaster and make our nation whole again.
Location: SF Club Office
Time: 11:30 a.m. check-in, noon program, 1 p.m. book signing
Cost: $20 non-members, $12 members, $7 students (with valid ID)
Also know: Photo by Ian Sbalcio