Fluid State: The Future of Water in California
Lois Wolk, California State Senator (D-Davis)
Jean Fuller, California State Senator (R-Bakersfield)
Matt Weiser, Senior Writer, The Sacramento Bee
Consumers and businesses can expect to pay more for their water in the future as the realities of climate disruption and severe weather sink into California’s parched soil and politics. Though many agree the state’s water system needs an overhaul, there is fierce debate about how to fix it and who should pay. How will stress on the Sierra snowpack and Colorado River water supply hit California? What water choices will voters face on the 2014 state ballot? Join a conversation about the future of water in the era of climate constraints.
Also know: The speakers and audience will be videotaped for future broadcast on the Climate One TV show on KRCB TV 22 on Comcast and DirecTV.