What Makes a Perfect Loaf?
Samuel Fromartz, Author, In Search of the Perfect Loaf: A Home Baker's Odyssey; Blogger, ChewsWise; Twitter @fromartz,
In conversation with Chad Robertson, owner Tartine, Bar Tartine; Author, Tartine Book No. 3: Modern, Ancient, Classic, Whole; Twitter @tartinebaker
In this discussion, journalist Fromartz and renowned baker Robertson will delve deep into bread, attempting to define a great loaf and what it takes to make it. Fromartz, a home baker for more than 17 years, traveled through the U.S. and to Europe to meet bakers, millers and sourdough microbiologists and translate their lessons to his kitchen. Robertson, the owner of Tartine Bakery, travelled to countries, including Denmark, bringing a new understanding of whole grain loaves into his repertoire. The two will riff off themes in Fromartz's book, touching on everything from the art of fermentation to the craft of the baker.