The Islamic State

Bonnie Joy Kaslan, Consul General, Turkey
Karima Bennoune, Professor of International Law, UC Davis; Author, Your Fatwa Does Not Apply Here
Karaman Mamand, Kurdish Human Rights Lawyer; Educator, Researcher
Maher Kalaji, Ph.d., Jordanian
Dina Ibrahim, PhD; Educator, Media Analyst – Moderator
Additional Panelists TBA

The meteoric rise of the Islamic State has had a disastrous effect on the lives of those caught in its path. With a zone of control stretching across the border of Syria and Iraq, ISIS has brought its violence to bear on the diverse mix of peoples who had called the terror group’s newest fiefdoms home: Kurds and Yazidis, both Shia and Sunni Muslims, and Coptic Christians have all been brutalized by the terror group and its affiliates. As the region’s strongest political actors – Jordan, Egypt, and Turkey – find themselves ineluctably drawn into the conflict, their representatives must weigh the risks that forceful intervention and purposeful disengagement carry. Come take part as our insightful panel discusses the catastrophe of ISIS in both human and political terms.