Drilling in the Amazon and Arctic
Lou Allstadt, Former Executive Vice President, Mobil Oil Co.
Andy Behar, Executive Director, As You Sow
Rene G. Ortiz, Former Ecuador Oil Minister; Former OPEC Secretary General
Leila Salazar-Lopez, Executive Director, Amazon Watch
With oil companies calling for a price on carbon emissions, is the energy industry finally changing its tune on pollution? Oil and coal have fueled economies and lifted people out of poverty. They also have fouled the air, land and water, especially in developing countries where governments are weak or corrupt. How fast will the world transition away from fossils to cleaner fuels? How can individual investors use their retirement accounts to vote for an oil change? How can the fossil fuel sector become cleaner as it evolves toward renewables? Join a conversation about powering the 21st-century economy while still using 20th-century fuels.