Ralph Nader: Fighting for Democracy
Ralph Nader, Activist; Author, Breaking Through Power: It’s Easier Than We Think; Twitter: @RalphNader
Joshua Johnson, Creator/Host, Rockit Fuel Radio Podcast; Lecturer, U.C. Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism—Moderator
In this unprecedented election year, Nader makes an inspired case about how he thinks our country can—and must—be democratically managed by communities guided by the U.S. Constitution, not by big business or the wealthy few.
Nader has fought for decades to give Americans back their political voice. He draws from his own experiences and shares his core political beliefs on how we can protect our rights to ensure democracy for all.
Cubberley Theatre
4000 Middlefield Road (near Montrose & Middlefield)
Palo Alto, 94306
United States