Silicon Valley

Richard Louv: The Hybrid Mind

There's no denying the benefits of the Internet. But electronic immersion without a force to balance it creates a hole in the boat, draining our ability to pay attention, think clearly, be productive and creative. To combat these losses, our society seems to look everywhere but the natural domain for the building of better brains. Richard Louv explains why the more high tech our lives become, the more we need nature.


Co-hosted by Children’s Discovery Museum of San Jose

October 18, 2017

Trianon Theatre
72 N. 5th St.
San Jose, 95112
United States

Image - Louv

Richard Louv

Author, Last Child in the Woods; Chairman Emeritus, the Children & Nature Network; Twitter @RichLouv

Andrea Mackenzie

General Manager, Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority—Moderator