Aging in Marin
This program is sponsored by Relevant Wealth Advisors and an anonymous donor.
Marin has the oldest population in the Bay Area. By 2030, more than 33 percent of Marin County's residents will be over 60 years of age, and about 14 percent will be over 75. While Marin residents are among the most affluent, healthiest and well-educated Bay Area residents, even those residents who own their own homes are concerned about maintaining quality of life in the expensive Bay Area.
Join Marin Community Foundation's Shirin Vakharia; Lee Pullen, director of the Area Agency on Aging (AAA) and Adult Social Services for Marin County; and Sybil Boutilier, member of the Age Friendly Sausalito Task Force and Marin County Commission on Aging, as they discuss how Marin County is creating age-friendly communities and services for its ever increasing number of senior citizens.
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Outdoor Art Club
One West Blithdale
Mill Valley, 94941
United States

Sybil Boutilier
Chair, Age Friendly Sausalito; Member, Marin Commission on Aging

Lee Pullen
Director of Aging and Adult Services, County of Marin

Shirin Vakharia
Director of Health and Aging, Marin Community Foundation

Joe O'Hehir
CEO, Whistlestop—Moderator