Gopi Kallayil: The Happy Human
Happiness is a multimillion dollar industry, catering to our deep desire to live a joyful life and to a belief that as human beings we deserve to be happy. Gopi Kallayil believes in reversing that equation. He holds that what we truly deserve is to be human, and that the key to happiness lies in being 100 percent who we are, reveling in our authentic selves, especially if that means falling on our faces (which Gopi has done many times—but he's also had spectacular success).
Kallayil explores the qualities that make us human and can help us be successful and happy in both our personal lives and professional careers.
This event has been postponed.
Cubberley Community Theatre
4000 Middlefield Rd. (near Montrose & Middlefield)
Palo Alto, 94306
United States

Gopi Kallayil
Chief Evangelist for Brand Marketing, Google; Author, The Happy Human: Being Real in an Artificially Intelligent World