Past Event

Sacheen Littlefeather and Sivan Alyra Rose: Native Americans in Film and Media

Come for an intergenerational conversation on Native American representation in film and media from experienced Apache actress Sacheen Littlefeather to breakout Apache actress Sivan Alyra Rose. Sacheen is known for the protest at the Oscars, in which she represented Marlon Brando and raised attention about the Wounded Knee standoff, and Sivan for her role as the first Native American actress to lead a TV series—"Chambers" on Netflix. Both are known for utilizing their platforms for tribal rights and issues.

This conversation will be moderated by Sarah Eagle Heart and Michelle Meow.

This program made possible by support from New York Life Greater San Francisco General Office and One Bowl Productions


Following the program, Littlefeather will sign free posters for the new documentary about her life, "Sacheen," which is currently showing in film festivals around the world; and Sivan will sign special edition posters by Ernesto Yerena highlighting her historic role as the first Native American female lead of a TV series.

September 20, 2019

The Commonwealth Club of California
110 The Embarcadero
Taube Family Auditorium
San Francisco, 94105
United States

Image - Sacheen Littlefeather

Sacheen Littlefeather

Apache Actress; Activist; Emmy-winning Advisor, "Dance in America: Song for Dead Warriors"; Founder, American Indian AIDS Institute of San Francisco

Image - Sivan Alyra Rose

Sivan Alyra Rose

Apache/Puerto Rican Actress; Model; Artist; Star, "Running Shadow"

Image - Sarah Eagle Heart

Sarah Eagle Heart

Emmy-winning Producer, "Crow: The Legend"; Former CEO, Native Americans in Philanthropy; Twitter @Ms_EagleHeart—Moderator

Image - Michelle Meow

Michelle Meow

Producer and Host, "The Michelle Meow Show" (online and KBCW/KPIX TV)—Introduction