Past Event

Rep. Eric Swalwell: The Siege on Capitol Hill

Since the January 6 attack on Capitol Hill, Representative Eric Swalwell has been outspoken about the action he believes Congress should take to curb further assaults on our democracy, emphasizing the need for the president’s resignation or impeachment. The representative from California’s 15th district does not shy away from voicing his opinion on the important issues, and in this time of great uncertainty, Rep. Swalwell maintains his support for direct action against those who perpetrated the attack on himself and fellow members of Congress.

As the House of Representative introduces articles of impeachment against President Trump, join Rep. Swalwell at INFORUM to hear about what it was like inside Capitol Hill on January 6, his hopes for the Biden administration, and what he expects for a post-Trump political landscape.


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January 21, 2021

United States

Image - Eric Swalwell

Eric Swalwell

U.S. Representative (D–CA)

Image - Rose Aguilar

Rose Aguilar

Host, KALW’s “Your Call”