Past Event

Healthy Society Series: The National Campaign to Vaccinate America

Dr. Choucair will describe the Biden administration's national vaccination campaign to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States.

The challenges ahead are enormous, but Dr Choucair is known as an innovator, and his previous work has set him up to handle this project. He is used to planning for large numbers of people. Prior to joining the administration, Dr. Choucair served as senior vice president and chief health officer at Kaiser Permanente. He oversaw the organization’s efforts focused on addressing the social health of its 12.2 million members and the 68 million people who live in the communities it serves. This work included the creation of the nation’s largest social health network to meet the housing, food and transportation needs of its members. He also managed Kaiser Permanente’s community health portfolio, including $3.4 billion dedicated to supporting medical financial assistance and charitable care as well as grants and community health initiatives. Before his time at Kaiser Permanente, Dr. Choucair was the commissioner of the Chicago Department of Public Health for five years before serving as senior vice president of Safety Net and Community Health at Trinity Health. He has been named by Modern Healthcare as one of the 50 Most Influential Health Executives in the U.S., one of the Most Influential People in Healthcare and as one of the Top 25 Innovators in Healthcare.

Robert Lee Kilpatrick

MLF: Health & Medicine

This program is part of a series looking at the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic across several of our programming departments. See the other programs in this series.

This is an online-only program; you must pre-register to receive a link to the live-stream event.

March 17, 2021

United States

Image - Bechara Choucair

Bechara Choucair

M.D., Vaccinations Coordinator, White House COVID Response Team

Image - Robert Lee Kilpatrick

Robert Lee Kilpatrick

Ph.D., Chair, Health and Medicine MLF; General Advisor, Berkeley SkyDeck incubator and Accelerator; Advisor, Columbia University Master of Science Program in Bioethics; CEO, Health Innovation for People, Inc. (HIP)—Moderator