Ending America's Forever War
In light of President Joe Biden's controversial announcement of his intention to end America's "never ending war" on the 20th anniversary of the 9/ll attacks, our distinguished panel will discuss the past, present and possible promise and complications of ending our longest war in a most troubled region.
One of the most concerning results could be ending hard-won women's rights and opportunities. Atta Arghandiwal was an Afghan refugee , a U.S. banker. a consultant in Afghanistan and dedicated to helping refugees there and everywhere. Humaira Ghilzai, a writer, speaker and women’s advocate, co-founded the Afghan Friends Network and instituted the Sister City relationship between Hayward, CA and Ghazni, Afghanistan.
MLF: Middle East
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Main image by Staff Sgt. Adam Mancini, U.S. Army; Arghandiwal photo by Edreece Arghandiwal.
United States
Speaker TBA
Atta Arghandiwal
Humanitarian; Author, The Self-Sufficient Global Citizen
Humaira Ghilzai
Writer; Speaker; Women’s Advocate; Co-Founder, Afghan Friends Network
Banafsheh Keynoush
Ph.D., Vice Chair, Commonwealth Club Middle East Member-Led Forum—Moderator