Past Event

Vandana Shiva and the Hubris of Manipulating Nature

From clearing land for pasture to building dams, humans have long changed the face of the Earth. We are tool users and problem solvers by nature. But what happens when solving one problem—the need for cheap energy, for example—creates another?

Pumping carbon into the skies has led to climate chaos; should we now apply even more technology to try to get out of the mess we created? Stopping the burning of fossil fuels is imperative if we are to prevent the worst effects of climate change, but it may not be enough. One proposed emergency solution is geoengineering—man-made ways to cool the planet. Physicist, ecologist, and activist Vandana Shiva argues that geoengineering is the ultimate hubris, without democratic control: “Geoengineering is an experiment, not a solution.”

But when our house is burning, does it really make sense to take some options for stopping the conflagration off the table? What if lower-tech solutions like regenerative agriculture aren’t enough?

Join us for a conversation with India’s leading defender of the environment.


This is a free, online-only program; you must pre-register to receive a link to the live-stream event. We welcome donations made during registration to support the production of our online programming.

July 21, 2021

United States

Image - Vandana Shiva

Vandana Shiva

Director, Foundation for Science, Technology & Ecology

Image - Greg Dalton

Greg Dalton

Founder and Host, Climate One