David J. Dennis Sr. and Jr.: A Father, a Son, and the Legacy of a Freedom Ride
David Dennis Sr. was one of the original Freedom Riders who courageously rode from Montgomery, Alabama, to Jackson, Mississippi, in 1961.In The Movement Made Us, David Dennis Jr. chronicles the significant role his father played in the Civil Rights Movements of the 1960s and its living legacy embodied in Black Lives Matter.
Crossing generations, father and son reflect on how far we’ve come and how far we have to go, and explore a multitude of experiences and emotions including “survivors guilt.”
Hear more as David Dennis senior and junior detail their journeys as civil rights activists and continued work in the fight for racial justice.
This program is part of our Good Lit series, underwritten by the Bernard Osher Foundation.
Photos courtesy the speakers.
The Commonwealth Club of California
110 The Embarcadero
Taube Family Auditorium
San Francisco, CA 94105
United States

David J. Dennis Sr.
Civil Rights Veteran; Executive Director, Southern Initiative Algebra Project Inc.; Co-author, The Movement Made Us: A Father, a Son, and the Legacy of a Freedom Ride

David J. Dennis Jr.
Senior Writer, ESPN’s "Landscape"; Co-author, The Movement Made Us: A Father, a Son, and the Legacy of a Freedom Ride; Twitter @DavidDTSS

Moderator TBA