Combatting the coronavirus pandemic has quickly become a global health priority. Communities across the United States, including here in the Bay Area, are using a range of strategies to mitigate the spread of coronavirus.
In its first program on the coronavirus crisis, The Commonwealth Club will feature two experts who will discuss why significant community interventions are so important and what must be done now. The program will feature the lead author of the well-publicized Journal of the American Medical Association article on how Taiwan has been so effective at reducing the spread of the coronavirus, and what communities in the United States can learn from this experience.
This program will be online only and to receive access to it, pre-register for a link to the program.
This is a free program, but please consider supporting the Club during these uncertain times by making a donation at registration
You can watch this program live

John Swartzberg
M.D., FACP, Clinical Professor, Emeritus, UC Berkeley–UCSF Joint Medical Program, Infectious Diseases & Vaccinology Division; Chair, Editorial Boards, UC Berkeley Wellness Letter and Health After 50 Newsletter

C. Jason Wang
M.D., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Pediatrics; Director, Center for Policy, Outcomes and Prevention (CPOP), Stanford University; Author, Response to COVID-19 in Taiwan: Big Data Analytics, New Technology, and Proactive Testing

Mark Zitter
Chair, The Zetema Project; Member, Commonwealth Club Board of Governors—Moderator