David Boaz, Executive Vice President, Cato Institute; Author, The Politics of Freedom (7/9/2008)
David Boaz, Executive Vice President, Cato Institute; Author, The Politics of Freedom
A key figure in the libertarian movement, David Boaz will survey what he sees as the threats to freedom posed by the Bush administration and the current presidential candidates. Though he is frustrated with many of the candidates' positions, he remains optimistic about the future of civil and economic liberties. Boaz cautions that the future of freedom requires that Americans devote considerable effort to preserving and protecting these rights.
Boaz, the executive vice president of the libertarian U.S think tank, the Cato Institute, played a key role in its development. He is a frequent guest on ABC's Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher, CNN's Crossfire, NPR's Talk of the Nation and All Things Considered, Fox News Channel, BBC, Voice of America, and Radio Free Europe on which he has discussed the gamut of topics from education choice to his support of drug legalization. His articles have also been published in the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, National Review, and Slate. He is the author of Libertarianism: A Primer, the editor of The Libertarian Reader, and co-editor of the Cato Handbook for Congress (2003) and the Cato Handbook on Policy (2005). Boaz is the former editor of New Guard magazine and was executive director of the Council for a Competitive Economy prior to joining Cato in 1981. Boaz received his B.A. from Vanderbilt University.
This program was recorded in front of a live audience on July 9, 2008.