Thought leaders in transportation technology and workforce development come together for this full-day workforce development summit on emerging career pathways in transportation and how to prepare the next generation of workers. How can schools work with industry leaders to ensure relevant education and training programs? What specialized skills will be needed to plan and construct a world-class transit system? Which technologies will be critical in developing clean, efficient freight transportation systems that can compete at the regional, state and national levels? Focus will be on innovative technologies, including intelligent transportation systems, high-speed rail, wireless technologies, big data systems, smart freight networks, environmentally sustainable technologies, and others.
9 a.m. Welcome
Karen Philbrick, Ph.D., Executive Director, Mineta Transportation Institute
Topic Overview
Thomas O’Brien, Ph.D., Executive Director, Center for International Trade and Transportation, METRANS Transportation Center
9:10-10:10 a.m. Morning Keynote
Moderator: Tim Rainey, Executive Director, California Workforce Investment Board
Dan Richard, Chair, California High-Speed Rail Authority