John Hope Bryant: Recession or Reset? The Way Forward
John Hope Bryant, Founder, Chairman and CEO, Operation HOPE; Vice Chair, U.S. President’s Advisory Council on Financial Literacy; Author, Love Leadership
Don J. McGrath, Chairman and CEO (retired), Bancwest Corporation - Moderator
As a 26-year-old upstart at a thriving local business firm, Bryant realized his life’s mission as he witnessed the Los Angeles riots. Since then, his speeches have inspired many people and his personal philosophy aims to help everyone become a better leader, using love and respect. Bryant, the founder and CEO of Operation HOPE, a nonprofit organization that aims to eliminate poverty through its ‘Silver Rights Movement,’ has shown how leaders can make lasting positive change. In fact, Bryant has raised more than $500 million for these causes. Through a business perspective, Bryant will explain how to lead in today’s economy by combating a fear-based world and focusing on giving. He will demonstrate his five secrets to personal success by helping others.
This program recorded in front of a live audience at the Commonwealth Club of California on April 5, 2010.