Kim Scott: Just Work

Too often, people are told to be professional and maintain traditional order in workplace settings, but this often leaves employees abandoning their humanity as soon as they step into the company building. As workplaces diversify, leaders are challenged to create a safe, justice-oriented working environment that simultaneously promotes creative individuality and traditional business models.

Enter Kim Scott, author of the new book Just Work, looking to transform the modern workplace. She seeks to encourage leaders to create more just workplaces and establish new norms of collaboration and respect. With experience advising at Dropbox, Qualtrics, Twitter and other tech companies, Scott shares her knowledge and power for confronting modern workplace challenges, and offers a new solution.

Join us as Kim Scott reimagines workplace settings to create more just and humane company environments

Note: This program contains EXPLICIT language.

Image - Kim Scott

Kim Scott

Author, Just Work: Get Sh*t Done, Fast & Fair

Image - Trier Bryant

In Conversation with Trier Bryant

Chief People Officer, Astra