This program is part of our Good Lit series, underwritten by the Bernard Osher Foundation.
As fashion designer, Tan France said, “Yes, I know I’m gayer; yes, I know I’ve got a different skin color. Yes, I know I’m a certain religion. Yes, I know I’m an immigrant. But look at all the similarities we have.” France is more than a star of the hit Netflix reboot, “Queer Eye”—he is an unapologetic representative of his many, often marginalized identities, and he leverages his unique ability to connect with others in spite of their differences. As one of the Fab Five, performing makeovers for a diverse array of people, France has played a vital role in transforming the perception of “Queer Eye” from a niche fashion show into an authentic exploration of identity and difference, and it continues to captivate viewers across the country and around the world.
In his new memoir, Naturally Tan, France recounts his experience growing up gay in a traditional South Asian Muslim family in South Yorkshire. Alongside fashion advice and humor, he connects his unusual childhood to his rise to stardom and ability to connect across the divide. Experience the style icon’s charisma and compassion as he reflects on the importance of representation and the power of connection.
This program is generously supported by Academy SF
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Tan France
Host and Fashion Expert, Netflix's "Queer Eye"; Author, Naturally Tan

Emmanuel Hapsis
Senior Editor, KQED Pop; Host, "The Cooler" Podcast