Building an Anti-Racist Classroom
Of the many inequities brought to light by COVID-19, the disparities that BIPOC students face in the American education system have proven to be the most complex. Creating an inclusive and anti-racist educational experience that helps students achieve their full potential is made even more difficult in the virtual classroom.
To provide their expertise on equitable education, four education leaders will speak at INFORUM on the challenges and opportunities offered by online schooling. They are Dr. Shawn Ginwright, professor of Africana Studies at San Francisco State University; Dr. Kyla Johnson-Trammel, superintendent of the Oakland Unified School District; Dr. Natalee Kēhaulani Bauer, assistant adjunct professor of race, gender and sexuality studies at Mills College; and moderator Dr. Allison Briscoe-Smith, director of diversity, equity and inclusion at the Wright Institute Clinical Program.
Join three Bay Area education experts at INFORUM and with the Club’s education initiative, Creating Citizens, to learn more about teachers’ vital role in the construction of an anti-racist future.
This conversation is presented in partnership with Generation Thrive, the Golden State Warriors' new game-changing, a first-of-its-kind nonprofit hub that supports the effectiveness of Bay Area academic-focused nonprofits and schools through education and wellness support. For more information on Generation Thrive, please visit its webpage.
Co-presented with the Club’s education initiative, Creating Citizens.

Natalee Kēhaulani Bauer
Ph.D, Assistant Adjunct Professor of Race, Gender & Sexuality Studies, Mills College

Shawn Ginwright
Ph.D, Professor of Africana Studies, San Francisco State University; Author

Kyla Johnson-Trammel
Ph.D, Superintendent, Oakland Unified School District

Allison Briscoe-Smith
Ph.D., Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, The Wright Institute Clinical Program—Moderator