George Will: American Happiness and Discontents

Pulitzer Prize-winner George F. Will has been one of this country’s leading columnists since 1974 and, as The Wall Street Journal once called him, “perhaps the most powerful journalist in America.” In his new collection titled American Happiness and Discontents: The Unruly Torrent, 2008–2020, Will offers an in-depth account of a remarkably chaotic 13 years in our nation’s experience through his analysis of an impressively vast array of topics.

In this stirring examination, George Will reveals the ways in which expertise, reason and manners are continually under attack in our institutions, courts, political arenas and social venues. Will covers topics including his perspective on American socialists, anti-capitalist conservatives, drug policy, the criminal justice system, climatology and the coronavirus.

Join us as we delve into this stunning account of American politics and culture from one of the preeminent columnists and intellectuals of our time.


Photo by Victoria Will.

Image - George F. Will

George F. Will

Columnist, The Washington Post; Author, American Happiness and Discontents: The Unruly Torrent, 2008-2020

Image - Jonathan V. Last

In Conversation with Jonathan V. Last

Editor, The Bulwark