Creating Citizens

Creating Citizens is The Commonwealth Club’s civics education initiative. Building on more than a century of nonpartisan civil dialogue at The Commonwealth Club, Creating Citizens brings students and educators into the conversation.

Civil dialogue is fundamental to a healthy democracy, yet our nation is more polarized and divisive than ever. We know young people are watching and listening, and we know they want to speak up. Creating Citizens gives them this chance.

Programs feature civic leaders from across the ideological spectrum, thinkers and influencers young people respect, and youth themselves. Students develop their own perspectives on complex issues and learn the power of mutually respectful dialogue in a diverse society.

Join us as we work together to create the next generation of active, empowered citizens. Our democracy depends on it.

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Our Team
Dr. Lauren Silver
Lauren Silver, vice president for education, launched Creating Citizens in 2020. She holds a Ph.D. in developmental psychology and has been an educator in museums, pre-K–12 classrooms, and universities for more than 25 years. Before joining The Commonwealth Club, Lauren founded the education department at the Computer History Museum; worked at Stanford University as an education curator at the Cantor Arts Center and a lecturer in the Graduate School of Education; and she was a family education specialist at the J. Paul Getty Museum.
Griffith Swidler
Griffith Swidler, school partnerships manager, joined the Creating Citizens initiative in 2022. His background is in community development and education. Before joining The Commonwealth Club, Griffith worked for the Alameda County Community Food Bank, taught secondary school in France, and was a Peace Corps volunteer in Togo.