Academic and People to People Travel to Cuba
Academic and “People to People” Travel to Cuba
Speakers: Wayne Smith, Director of the Cuba Program at the Center for International Policy; Robert Muse, Attorney; Elizabeth Newhouse, Consultant and Associate of the Cuba Program at the Center for International Policy
Date: 04/18/11
Time: 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
This meeting held by the Center for International Policy is for non-profit academic and cultural groups, travel industry professionals and foundations. The sessions focus on working through the Obama Administration's new rules authorizing academic and "people-to-people" educational/cultural travel to Cuba. The conference will discuss the “people-to-people” travel opportunities available under the new rules and how specifically to create group travel itineraries that conform to them. The conference will also address the new general licenses for academic travel and what they mean for colleges and universities interested in setting up new academic programs in Cuba, or resurrecting earlier programs terminated in 2004 by the Bush administration.
April 18, 2011