Volunteer Opportunities
The Commonwealth Club Volunteer Corps
Volunteer at events and help to keep public discourse alive!
Thank you for your interest in joining the exciting team of people who make Club programming possible. The Club would not be able to organize its wide array of programs without our valued volunteers.
Job Description
All events at The Commonwealth Club's headquarters are currently on hold, but when in-person events resume, volunteers will perform a number of tasks at Club events, including reception setup, acting as hosts to attendees, checking tickets at the door, ushering, collecting question cards and working with Club staff at will-call.
Attendance is of course free for the volunteers at that event.
Time Commitment
Event volunteer assignments correspond with the Club’s program times. Daytime assignments are generally from 11:15 a.m. to 1 p.m. and evenings from 5:15 p.m. to 7 p.m. Volunteers are expected to arrive on-time.
Length of Commitment
After members have gone through the three steps described below, the Club appreciates a commitment to volunteer for at least six events a year.
Club staff and volunteers are asked to dress in business casual attire.
Contact Persons
The Commonwealth Club has four branches of programming. For more information regarding the unique volunteer process and policies for each branch, contact the person corresponding to your area of interest.
FEATURED: Prominent speakers in San Francisco. Joanne Presas, guest and volunteers services manager, jpresas@commonwealthclub.org
INFORUM: Featuring leaders in tech, culture, food, design, business and social issues in programs targeted toward young adults. Joanne Presas, guest and volunteers services manager, jpresas@commonwealthclub.org
SILICON VALLEY: All events occurring on the Peninsula. Kara Iwahashi, Associate Program Director, kiwahashi@commonwealthclub.org
MEMBER-LED FORUMS: A volunteer-led division of Commonwealth Club programming, focusing on specific topics of interest. Attend a monthly planning meeting to find out how you can book speakers for Club events. Forum chair contact information is in the Club magazine or on the website.
Frequently Asked Questions about Volunteering at the Club
What jobs do event volunteers do?
Volunteers perform important duties including, but not limited to, reception setup, acting as hosts to attendees, checking tickets at the door, ushering, collecting question cards, working with Club staff at check-in, and administrative duties during non-event hours.
Whom do I contact at the Club to start volunteering?
There are four branches of programming at The Commonwealth Club, for more information regarding the unique volunteer process and policies for each branch, contact the person corresponding to your area of interest. See "Contact Persons" above. If you aren't sure about the various ways to get involved, we will gladly answer your questions in the volunteer orientation session.
Can anyone volunteer at Commonwealth Club events?
All volunteers should be members in good standing. If you are not currently a member, you can sign up online.
When can I volunteer for my first Club event?
If you are a member in good standing, first you will need to attend a volunteer orientation and complete a shadow event before you volunteer for events at the Club.
When is the next volunteer orientation?
Volunteer orientations are currently on hold at The Commonwealth Club's San Francisco office. If you would like to attend an orientation, please send an email to volunteers@commonwealthclub.org. Please include your name, phone number and membership ID number in the email.
How do I sign up to volunteer for events at the Club?
This varies depending on the division of the Club for which you are volunteering—featured programs, Member-led Forums, Inforum, or Silicon Valley. You do need to have web and e-mail access for all of the sign-up procedures. This will all be explained after the orientation and your shadowing at an event.
What time should I arrive for my volunteer assignment?
For events held at the Club office, volunteer arrival time is 45 minutes before the start of a featured event. Always arrive before check-in begins. Times may be earlier for offsite events. You will be notified by a staff member for specific offsite event instructions.